[vc_row full_width=”stretch_row_content_no_spaces”][vc_column][cs_banner overlay=”true” title=”PHOTOGRAPHY STUDIO” subtitle=”REFLECTOR” bg_image=”133″ description=”New York studio and outdoor commercial photography by professional photographer” button=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fw4.foxdsgn.com%2Freflector%2Fshowcase%2F|title:See%20more||”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row desctop_mt=”margin-lg-120t” desctop_mb=”margin-lg-120b” desctop_md_mt=”margin-md-100t” desctop_md_mb=”margin-md-100b” tablets_mt=”margin-sm-90t” tablets_mb=”margin-sm-90b” mobile_mt=”margin-xs-50t” mobile_mb=”margin-xs-45b”][vc_column][cs_info_block style=”simple” subtitle=”ABOUT ME” text=”My greatest ambition is to create powerful images that commemorate, across generations, the people we love and the good times we have had. Creativity, hard work and experience are the engines that keep it all going.” btn_style=”a-btn-6″ button=”url:http%3A%2F%2Fw4.foxdsgn.com%2Freflector%2Fabout-me%2F|title:SAY%20HELLO||”][/cs_info_block][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row desctop_mb=”margin-lg-130b” desctop_md_mb=”margin-md-110b” tablets_mb=”margin-sm-100b” mobile_mb=”margin-xs-60b”][vc_column]
Under Sunshine
Gold nature
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia....
Happiness on the street
Vestibulum vel molestie ante. Cras fermentum pharetra ex, sed cursus lectus dapibus ut. Nunc consectetur pretium porttitor. Praesent ornare diam a urna tempor dictum. Integer at luctus mi. Pellentesque ultricies vel velit sed...
Sand on the hands
Alice’s Autumns
Nullam porta mauris ut ultricies feugiat. Nulla a turpis a mauris luctus elementum. Curabitur blandit ultrices velit, sit amet facilisis orci suscipit id. Vivamus finibus diam elit, at laoreet urna volutpat quis. Phasellus vel...